Informational interviews are a great way to gather valuable insights, advice, and industry information from experts in your desired field or profession.

They offer a unique opportunity to connect with professionals who can share their experiences, knowledge, and expertise to help you make informed decisions about your career path.

In this blog post, we will explore what informational interviews are, why they are valuable, and how to conduct them effectively.

What are Informational Interviews?

An informational interview is a conversation with someone who works in your field of interest, or in a company or industry you would like to work in.

The purpose of an informational interview is not to ask for a job, but rather to gain insight, advice, and guidance on how to achieve your career goals.

Why are Informational Interviews Valuable?

Informational interviews are valuable for several reasons.

First, they provide an opportunity to learn about a specific company or industry, including its culture, values, and work environment.

Second, they can help you build relationships with professionals who can offer guidance and mentorship as you navigate your career path.

Finally, they can help you gain insight into the skills and experience you need to acquire to be successful in your desired career.

How to Conduct an Informational Interview?

Here are some steps to follow to conduct an effective informational interview:

Identify your target audience: Determine the industry or company you are interested in and identify professionals within those fields that you would like to connect with.

Request an interview: Reach out to the professional you would like to interview, either through email or LinkedIn, and request an informational interview. Make sure to express your gratitude for their time and emphasize that you are not asking for a job.

Prepare for the interview: Research the professional and the industry or company they work in, and come up with a list of questions that will help you gain valuable insights and advice.

Conduct the interview: During the interview, be respectful of the professional's time and listen attentively to their responses. Ask open-ended questions to encourage discussion and gather as much information as possible.

Follow up: After the interview, make sure to send a thank-you note to express your appreciation for their time and insights. Stay in touch and continue to build a relationship with the professional if possible.

Sample Questions for an Informational Interview

Here are some sample questions you can ask during an informational interview:

What do you enjoy most about your work?

What challenges have you faced in your career, and how have you overcome them?

What skills and experience are required to be successful in your industry?

What advice would you give to someone just starting in your field?

What do you think the future of your industry looks like, and what skills will be in high demand?


Informational interviews are an excellent way to gather valuable insights, advice, and guidance from professionals in your desired field or industry.

By following the steps outlined above, you can conduct an effective informational interview that will help you make informed decisions about your career path.

Remember, the purpose of an informational interview is not to ask for a job but rather to build relationships, gain insight, and learn from experienced professionals.